Thursday, October 05, 2006


A dream is the experience of envisioned images, voices, or other sensations during sleep. Dreams often portray events which are impossible or unlikely in physical reality, and are usually outside the control of the dreamer.

Dream Journey
Many tribal peoples believe that the human soul temporarily leaves the body during the dream-state, wandering in other worlds and meeting other souls, including those of the dead.

Interpretations of dreams
The mysterious and often bizarre nature of dreams has led many to interpret dreams as divine gifts or messages, as predictions of the future, or as messages from the past. Alternatively, the idea of the "dream world" as real and the "day world" as imagined is another supernatural interpretation of dreams.

Déjà vu
It is also a type of dream wherein someone dreams about a certain situation and when that situation arises before that person, he/she recalls his dream and that he had already experienced this given situation. In such a situation the person can recollect that they had had such a vision earlier somewhere.
(Special for Dessy)


Succubus said...

Obi4am te, za6toto moje6 da izpylnqva6 me4tite mi i da mi pomaga6 da sym realist..ni6to 4e obojavam syni6tata <3 <3 <3

Anonymous said...

A we az ne vqrvam v teq prostotii, ina4e respect za truda koito si polojila SiS